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Bouquet of Timeless Wisdom

Ripe for the picking and blooming with style, this botanical-themed gift book is rich with encouragement, inspiration, and biblical truth. Meditate on this selection from Proverbs and allow God’s wisdom to guide and affirm your life. Features full-co

Brave by Faith

What does it look like to live with joy in a society that does not like what Christians believe, say or do? It’s tempting to grow angry, keep our heads down, retreat or just give up altogether. But this isn’t the first time that God’s people have had

Bread of Angels

Bread of Angels, Tessa Afshar, paperback, the story of Lydia, set in the time of Acts of the apostles, Biblical fiction

Breaking cover

Breaking Cover by Michele Rigby Assad is her autobiography about her life working as an agebt for the CIA. She walked a dangerous path into counterterrorism in the Middle East,

Breaking The Ice

Have you spent many hours wondering how to introduce a topic that has all the potential of becoming the biggest yawn since documentaries were invented? Have you calculated how many mugs of tea have gone cold while you've waited for that vital spar


Is a full and abundant life possible if your childhood has been shattered by abuse? One in five of us experiences severe abuse in some form as a child,* often leading to devastating emotional and mental health problems in adulthood. Giles D Lascell

Broken Children, Sovereign God

Writing to encourage other families who find themselves dealing with mental health disorders, Leslie Schmucker explores different aspects of her and her family’s experience with their daughter, Jackie. Through violence and mayhem, joy and hope, inten

Broken Planet

Suffering and evil affect us all, we look at a world filled with pain. Christians often answer the question of why there is suffering in the world with the ‘free will’ argument. However, this does not explain why some babies are stillborn or why the

Brother Andrew

In the years before Andrew van der Bijl took the name Brother Andrew, he was no stranger to adventure and intrigue - in fact, he craved it. As a young lad, he was forever getting into mischief, and even risked his life during the Nazi occupation of H

Bubbles: Bible Stories

While bathing baby and very young children, enjoy three popular Bible stories with its splashes and sounds to make. This simple and colourful bath book is perfect for sharing during bath time to encourage chatting about David and Goliath,

Bubbles: God Creates the World

While bathing baby and very young children, enjoy three popular Bible stories with its splashes and sounds to make. This simple and colourful bath book is perfect for sharing during bath time to encourage chatting about all the stars, plants, and ...

Bubbles: Stories of Jesus

While bathing baby and very young children, enjoy three popular stories that Jesus told three popular Bible stories with its splashes and sounds to make. This simple and colourful bath book is perfect for sharing during bath time to encourage chat

Bumper Book Of Resources, The: Instant Y

Imagine if you had in one place material from some of the most well-respected writers for young people! Anyone who works with young people knows how difficult it is to come up with something fresh and exciting that will keep them interested. And i

Busy Builders, The

Two busy builders have been hard at work building their homes, but when the storms come, will their houses stay standing or will they fall into a pile of rubble? The Busy Builders is a fun retelling in rhyme of a classic Bible parable for kids, showi

C.S. Lewis

Not every author can write about a wardrobe and a lion and end up delighting readers for generations. But then again, not every author is C.S. Lewis. This biographical picture book welcomes readers to get to know the man behind Aslan and Narnia and t


Calling takes men who long for a higher purpose but have settled for a job and leads them toward a fulfilling called career, helping them discover the real work God has destined them to do. Men today long for a calling but often settle for the next..