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Whistlestop Tales: Around the Bible 10 E

A prince who was lost for words A sister who worried far too much A brother who walked differently through the world A girl who had to be seen to be believed Join Krish and Miriam Kandiah on another adventure through 10 retellings of stories from the

Whistlestop Tales: Around the World in 1

Voted Children's Book of the year 2022 at the Christian Resources Together Awards, Whistlestop Tales also gained an Award of Merit at the Christianity Today 2022 Book Awards In ten action-packed stories, Whistlestop Tales tells how God uses people

Who Made Me pb

Have you ever wondered if there's anyone else just like you? Well there isn't! There's only one you. No one else in the whole world is exactly like you. Not even if you're a twin. But how did you come to be you? Who made you? ....

Who Needs the Church?

A thought–provoking introduction to the importance of the local church It seems that increasing numbers of professing Christians in the West do not attend church. Church, to many, has become a place to go when it is convenient, to have one’s needs me

Why Easter Pamphlet

Easter is all about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This Easter edition of Why Jesus? is a concise, easy-to-read study of the very real questions people may have about Jesus and why his birth, death and resurrection are central to the Ch

Why Jesus pamphlet

Why Jesus? is a concise, easy-to-read study of the very real questions people may have about Jesus and why his birth, death and resurrection are central to the Christian faith. xploring Jesus' claims, character and death, Nicky uses effortlessly unc

Why Less Means More

Do you feel frazzled? Frantic? Fearful you haven’t got enough? In a world obsessed with more, where potential is maximised, and busyness is glorified, another reality also exists: we all have limits - and many of us are living at the edge of them.


In this revised and updated edition of an award-winning book that has helped thousands in their journey of faith, scientist Sharon Dirckx explores some of the most agonizing and bewildering questions we all ask. With compassionate warmth and insight,

William Booth - Soup, Soap, and Salvatio

Horrified by the poverty and suffering most people took for granted in industrial England, William Booth dedicated his life to bringing the gospel to the outcasts of society who would never enter a church and weren't welcome there. At age fifteen Wil

William Wilberforce

One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty-five years. His name was William Wilberforce. This is his exciting story that shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had o

Winter Fire

It may be because I am silly, but I rather think that, relatively to the rest of the year, I enjoy Christmas more than I did when I was a child. My faith demands that such be the case. The more mature I become the more I need to embrace the joys of t

Wipe - Clean Bible Activity Book - NT

Wipe-Clean Bible Activity Book New Testament. By Gill Guiles. Fun way to learn to count and write numbers in the context of well known Bible stories. Mazes, draw over dotted lines and finish shapes, numbers and scenes. Wipe-clean pen provided and glo

Wipe - Clean Bible Activity - Book OT

Wipe-Clean Bible Activity Book Old Testament. By Gill Guiles. Fun way to learn to count and write numbers in the context of well known Bible stories. Mazes, draw over dotted lines and finish shapes, numbers and scenes. Wipe-clean pen provided and glo

Wisdom and Blessings

Wisdom and Blessings, compiled by David Davenport. Hardback Gift Book

With love and sympathy

A special compilation of photos, prayers, poems, quotes and Bible verses to comfort and encourage those who grieve. This is the ideal book to show a friend that you are thinking about them. Is anyone crying for help? GOD is listening, ready to rescue

Wonder of Creation, The

In this captivating follow-up to the bestselling kids' devotionals Indescribable and How Great Is Our God, discover more mind-blowing, faith-building scientific facts and biblical truths about the wonder of God's creation from author, speaker, and fo